The White Show: Subtlety in the Age of Spectacle
Clarion University, Spring 2011
In the often chaotic cacophony of contemporary art, we sometimes stumble upon the pause that refreshes, a whisper instead of a scream, an enticement instead of a demand. Silence, quiet, peace, contemplation exert themselves as exceptions. In our confusing and contested world, we can create a space to concentrate on an alternative kind of art that gently yields its message and power to the thoughtful viewer. Let's slow down and allow this art to reverberate, to resonate, to settle, and to whisper. Work by Jaq Belcher, David Burke, Ellen Carey, Mark Franchino, Jane Haskell, Marietta Hoferer, Delanie Jenkins, Simone Jones, Michael Kukla, Amanda Means, Julia Morrisroe, John Noestheden, Bill Radawec, Nigel Rolfe, Lenore Thomas, Brett Yasko.
Jac Belcher
Mark Franchino
Jane Haskell
Julia Morrisroe
Marietta Hoferer
Delanie Jenkins
Simone Jones
Michael Kukla
Amanda Means
David Burke
Ellen Carey
John Noestheden
Bill Radawec
Nigel Rolfe
Lenore Thomas
Brett Yasko
© vicky a clark 2010